Firms Signs an agreement to develop the largest solar plant to date in Sharjah

Sharjah National Oil Corporation (SNOC), the oil & gas industry executive arm of the Emirate, working under the auspices of the Petroleum Council of Sharjah, and Emerge, the joint venture between Masdar and EDF Group, have concluded a Solar Power Agreement, during ADIPEC’s business conferences.

This important step is regarded as a major landmark for SNOC towards achieving its own de-carbonization and Net-Zero target for 2032, as well as contributing to the UAE Net-Zero by 2050 strategic initiative.

According to the provisions of the signed agreements, SNOC and Emerge will develop solar PV solutions at SNOC’s Sajaa Gas Complex which will supply power to SNOC’s operations, as well as being connected to the main power grid. The excess solar power will be taken by SEWA, while SEWA will provide the required power for SNOC operations during the night.

It is expected that the total power produced by the solar plant will significantly exceed SNOC’s current power demand, which will allow SNOC to convert more of its gas-powered units to electrical drives in the near future, resulting in significant reductions to SNOC’s greenhouse gas emissions. The Solar Power Project is expected to be operational by the end of 2024.

The expected capacity of the new solar plant will be 60 MWp. The technical and operational parameters have been developed according to international standards and in full compliance with SEWA’s regulations regarding technical security and reliability of the electrical transmission and distribution grid systems. As regards the contractual relationship, these will be on a BOOT (Build-Own-Operate-Transfer) basis, for a period of 25 years.

The solar power plant will provide renewable energy to Sharjah at a competitive cost compared to gas power plants. It provides a win/win solution for SNOC and SEWA as the excess daytime power comes during peak daylight hours, while SEWA provides power to SNOC during the night when the overall demand is lower.
H. H. Sheikh Sultan bin Ahmed Al Qasimi, the Deputy Ruler of the emirate of Sharjah, Chairman of Sharjah Petroleum Council and President of SNOC, commented saying:

“This project demonstrates the value of national professional cooperation amongst entities like SNOC, SEWA and Emerge, providing a 100% green project that supports the SNOC and Sharjah sustainability agenda and commitment to protecting the environment. We view this project as a showcase for the application of clean energy in our emirate”.
SNOC CEO, Hatem Al Mosa, added:

“The gas consumption of our Sajaa Plant currently accounts for the largest share of the carbon footprint associated with our own operations. This project is a significant milestone on SNOC’s path to achieve Net-Zero by 2032 on its own operations. SNOC will implement this project alongside its other planned initiatives, including carbon capture and storage (CCS), elimination of methane leaks and flaring, and optimizing operational efficiencies. It will contribute to the reduction of CO2 by approximately 66,000 tons per annum, equivalent to taking more than 14,600 cars off the road”.

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Masdar CEO, said “We are very proud to be announcing Emerge’s first project in Sharjah. The plant at SNOC builds on the success Emerge has enjoyed as an energy services company in developing several projects in Abu Dhabi since it was formed in 2021. We are confident this 60MWp solar-power project will make a significant contribution to advancing the Sharjah National Oil Corporation’s decarbonization goals.”

Luc Koechlin, Chief Executive Officer Middle East, EDF Group, stated:
“EDF is delighted to support this significant partnership between SNOC and Emerge. Emerge’s turnkey supply solutions, providing eco-friendly options with no upfront costs, emphasize our commitment to sustainability. This project highlights the strength of partnerships in advancing SNOC’s decarbonization goals while delivering environmentally responsible energy solutions”.