ACWA Power Signs agreement for 110MW floating Solar PV Projects in Indonesia

ACWA Power Company, a leading Saudi developer, investor, and operator of power generation, water desalination and green hydrogen plants, today announced that PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN, Indonesia’s sole state-owned electricity utility, has chosen the company to develop two floating solar PV projects.

The projects will enable Indonesia to achieve its renewable energy target of 23% by 2025, under the country’s National General Energy Plan.

This marks ACWA Power’s first foray into the Southeast Asian country, as well as the company’s first floating solar PV projects in its portfolio. Named the Saguling Floating Solar PV project and Singkarak Floating Solar PV Project, the facilities will have a capacity of 60MWac and 50MWac respectively and represent a combined investment value of US$105million. ACWA Power has a 49% equity stake in both projects, with the rest being held by Indonesia Power, a subsidiary of PLN.

The offtake partner in these projects, PLN, controls, owns, and operates approximately 69% generation capacity in Indonesia. It is also the sole buyer of electricity produced by independent power plants in the country, including electricity generated from renewable energy sources. As of the end of 2021, PLN controls over 64.5 GW of generation capacity in Indonesia. As a next step, PLN and ACWA Power will finalize the power purchase agreements for these projects.

The Saguling and Singkarak projects are ACWA Power’s second and third projects in the Southeast Asia region, after the Vinh Hao 6 Power Plant, a 50MW project in Vietnam.