SepcoIII wins Saudi Arabia’s Ras Al Khair O&M Contract

Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), Saudi Arabia signed the new Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Contract related to Ras Al Khair Integrated Desalination and Power Plant.

Earlier, during 2017, SWCC signed the O&M contract related to Ras Al Khair Power Plant with Sepco III valid for three years.

Upon its successful completion of the contract, in terms of safe and stable operation of 6 blocks and 12 sets of units in the power plant, SWCC awarded the new contract.

As per the statement, SEPCOIII completed the annual power generation task ahead of schedule and reached the annual KPI assessment of SWCC for three consecutive years with high standards.

The Ras Al-Khair plant, which began production in 2015, has current operating desalination capacity of 1.05 million cubic meters per day in addition to generating electricity with a capacity of 2,650 MW. The plant utilizes a hybrid-configuration of multi-stage flash thermal desalination and reverse osmosis membrane technology.

SEPCOIII was the EPC contractor of the Power Plant.

Read Also: Saudi Arabia invites EOI for Privatization of Ras Al-Khair Integrated Desalination and Power Plant 


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