Bahrain receives lowest bid of $11.7 million for construction of Buildings at Tubli STP

Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning, Bahrain announces the bid results  for the project “Construction of four buildings at Tubli sewage treatment plant,STP”.

Bahrain based construction frim, Dadabhai Construction Submitted the lowest bid. Dadabhai Construction has submitted the price of BHD 4,415,710.

Earlier, during June 2020, the Ministry received the proposals from ten companies. (read more)

As per the tender documents, successful bidder will construct four buildings namely Sanitary Engineering Affairs Administration Building, Laboratory Building, (STP) Sanitary Treatment Plant Administration Building, Workshop Building, Service block 1 and 2 including all internal and external associated works in two separate plots.

The project is funding by Saudi Fund for Development.


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  1. Dadabhai secured $11.8m Tubli STP buildings construction contract

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