Bahrain received bids for Al Lawzi Housing Project

Bahrain’s Ministry of Housing (MOH) receives the bids for Al Lawzi Housing Project. The Project will provide 132 Housing Units with associated secondary infrastructure.

A total of four bidders has submitted the proposals. 

  • Al Namal Contracing and Trading
  • Housing Properties Development Co. WLL
  • Ithmaar Development Company
  • Dadabhai Construction

The prices of bidders will be announced upon technical evaluation of the submitted proposals.

The Al Lawzi Housing Project, a Government Land Development pilot Programme. The project will be developed by the private sector on Government land.

The Developer will sell housing units commercially to Mazaya and social housing loan eligible beneficiaries.

Upon completion of the project, the developer will pay MoH an agreed Land value.

MoH will provide a buy-back arrangement for units unsold after a 24 months Sale Period.

Read Also: Bin Omairah secures a contract of $13.8 million for Lawzi Housing Project’s Access Roads


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