Ministry of Housing announced the bid results for High Voltage Cable project

18-02-2019: Riyadh
Ministry of Housing announced the bid results for 132kV Cable project for Unayzah in Central region of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi based October Construction Company has submitted the lowest bid. A total of fifteen (15) bidders has submitted the proposal.
October Construction Company has quoted the price of SAR 32 million (1$=3.75 SAR).
Project Description:
Project Scope of work includes Design, supply and installation of two (2) new 132kV underground cable circuits, single cable/phase, each circuit consisting of 3x1CX1200mm2, XLPE, copper cable with metallic shield copper wire and copper tape, to be laid between the new substation 8835 and BSP9059 complete with all required link boxes, SVLs, insulated joints, earthing, and other accessories. 
Approximate route length 8.2km
The Project has been floated by Ministry of Housing and supervised by Saudi Electricity Company.
Note: For complete scope of work or complete bid results, please do contact us by filling the contact form